The Flinchum File

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A “Fair and Balanced” Diet

Decades ago, television news began as a 30-minute segment in the early evening that simply recited the news of the day unemotionally.  As these programs were so profitable, more news programs appeared over time.  Then, channels developed with 100% news.  To gain viewers, and therefore advertisers, their coverage became increasingly breathless – creating a need to see news.  And, Fox started selling breathlessness plus fear with great success.  Many people realized they were morphing from viewers to victims.  Their behavior and relationships with others were impacted by their news sources.

Several years ago, I went on a “news-diet” and refused to watch any news on Saturdays.  As news programs carved out niche markets, they became increasingly partisan.  I encouraged CNN viewers to watch Fox one night each week and vice versa.  In other words, you can get “fair and balanced” only by watching both perspectives.  Don’t be fooled by their panels of dueling pundits.  Change channels!

A reader wrote to me last night that he is going goes through “Fox-withdrawal” every Saturday when he watches CNN.  The first problem is that he has not reduced his news consumption.  He still needs a news-free day!  Second, CNN is awful on Saturdays, as is Fox.  With less news to report, both are extremely repetitive on Saturdays.

A news-free day is good for your heart.  An honestly “fair and balanced” day is good for your mind.