The Flinchum File

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You know the world is upside-down when Fox News agrees with Bill Maher.  He is a longtime comedy star on HBO, better known for his blistering takedowns of conservatives.  This week, they applauded Maher’s rant that liberal Democrats and/or Progressives don’t know how to “high-five” and take a victory lap.  Maher called it “progressophobia”, which is a “brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress.”

He was primarily referring to race relations.  He never said there has already been enough progress, only to be grateful for the progress that has been made.  Maybe, we have become too “woke” or too sensitive to the remaining progress that is still needed.

On race relations, my Democratic friends are apoplectic about certain statues, which seem to honor imperfect people.  If statues could only honor perfect people, there would be no statues anywhere!  Take them all down?  No person is worthy of a statue!  Not even Martin Luther King was perfect.  There will never be a statue of me, because I used the N-word as a child, like most kids in the South long ago.  Therefore, nothing else in my life matters?  Really?

My Republican friends are apoplectic about Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in school.  It depends.  CRT shows the world through the Black experience, which is understandably different than the view through White eyes.  CRT focuses on the systemic racism created by and reinforced by the structure of American educational and judicial systems, as well as the law enforcement.  If it is taught as the Critical Race Perspective, as opposed to the Critical Race Fact, I think it should be taught.

Finally, racism is simply bad for the economy.  It is not merely the reallocation of income and wealth from the black population to the white population.  Racism is a dead-weight on productivity, which is critical for GDP growth . . . and is THE essential constraint on inflation.  Racism is stupid . . . and expensive!