In March of 2017, I predicted Donald Trump would not serve a full term. Long before he could be impeached and removed, I expected this most thin-skinned of men would tire of the inevitable criticism and just walk away. Declaring victory and resigning would allow him to retain some minimal dignity after office. However, I was wrong! (At least, I can admit making a mistake.)
Trying to figure out what I didn’t understand about the man, I recalled George Bernard Shaw’s warning: “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it.” Does he actually enjoy the criticism . . . because it is all about him?
Perhaps, the more applicable quote is one usually attributed to circus promoter, PT Barnum: “There’s no such thing as bad publicity, except your obituary.”
So, is he the greatest President or a thin-skinned egomaniac or a shameless promoter?