After a recent misadventure in the mysterious and treacherous world of software, I became divorced from my computer calendar. As one of those jerks who made others wait in line when checking out of the dentist’s office, so I could enter the next appointment into my phone, I suffered immediate withdrawal pains without my computer calendar.
Yes, I know that our electronic calendars spy on us, which is creepy. Who cares if I get a haircut every 4.17 weeks? Go ahead, enter into your calendar that you’re traveling to Kansas City in July. You’ll start getting hotel advertisements in Kansas City as the date approaches. But, I also know that calendars have been a disappointment to “data-gatherers” like Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. If it has been a disappointment to them, then it is probably safer for us to use.
My late mother always encouraged me to make a New Year’s Resolution each year, in order “to become a better person.” So, I think my 2018 resolution will be to rediscover my inner-Luddite and to return to using a pocket calendar, foregoing my computer calendar. I bought it last night and won’t ever suffer those withdrawal pains again!