Bob Doll is the Chief Equity Officer for investment giant Nuveen. He may not be the best known person on Wall Street, but he is certainly one of the best-liked. Each year, he is brave enough to make ten predictions and has an enviable track record. Here are his ten predictions for 2021:
Our GDP growth rate will be the fastest in twenty years
Inflation will approach 2%, and ten-year Treasuries will hit 1.5%
The dollar sinks to a five-year low
Stocks will reach another high but not as fast as EPS growth
Cash will outperform bonds for first time since 2013
Value stocks, small-cap stocks and emerging markets will outperform large-cap growth stocks
Healthcare and financials will outperform energy and utilities
Federal debt will exceed 100% of GDP
Trade war with China will cool and become more multi-lateral
Biden and McConnell will achieve significant legislation
Here are my thoughts. I think 1,2, & 3 are very likely. #4 is true only because the stock market has gotten far ahead of our recession-wracked economy. #5 is absolutely expected. #6 is long overdue. #7 is probably true. #8 is already true, depending on how it is measured. #9 is so necessary that it has to be true. #10 would be a gift to America.