As a lifelong gun-lover and owner of many guns, I am appreciative of the Second Amendment, even though it was so poorly-written and has been so badly interpreted by the courts. The Second Amendment is not in the Bible, nor the Torah, nor the Quran. Yes, it is important, but it is not sacred. It was written by mere mortal humans –. centuries ago — before modern weapons were even imagined.
The Second Amendment does not give you the right to own an atomic bomb, nor a tank, nor a “bazooka” or light-anti-tank (LAW) weapon, nor an assault weapon. (It certainly says nothing about the right of inexperienced teenagers to take assault rifles to protests.) The particulars of the Second Amendment have been interpreted by courts and legislated by politicians . . . poorly and inconsistently.
The issue is NOT how do we protect or destroy this fundamental right? The issue IS whether the time has finally come to talk about updating the Second Amendment?
As a gun-lover, I know the Second Amendment has become unsatisfactory and needs to be updated. Remember: the first step in treating alcohol addiction is admitting there is a problem. Blind gun addition is no different.
Of course, amending the Constitution is a long and arduous process, especially during polarized times, but it can be done. Your grandchildren would appreciate it!