Existentialists have great difficulty tolerating absurdity. It is easier to crawl across a sewage drying bed.
I am always reminded of that disgusting experience when dealing with TSA at airports. They are indeed masters of absurdity, preferring rules to logic. Yesterday, I was assigned to the pre-checked line, which means you don’t have remove your shoes or laptop. Wearing Birkenstock shoes with a steel shank, I expected the alarm to go off, which it did. Since a METAL detector went off, you would expect them to check for a gun or other metal. Instead of wanding my pockets for a gun, they merely wiped the palm of my hands, looking for explosive materials. So, was it stupid or absurd?
Obsessive rule-sucking may be stupid, and it invariably produces something absurd. Flying is easy. Tolerating TSA is hard. Decent people trying to follow mind-numbing rules does not make me feel safe.