I’ll never be as smart as my late mother. Many years ago, she told me that everybody in Washington was a crook. (Okay, thanks Mom?)
Some years later, I asked her which are worse – Republican crooks or Democratic crooks? She said she preferred Republican crooks, because they dress nicer that Democratic crooks. (Okay, thanks Mom?)
A few years before her death, I asked her if she still votes solely for Republicans. To my surprise, she no longer voted at all, because she always disliked Democrats but now she has learned that Republicans are more interested in denying a “win” for Democrats that getting a “WIN” for Americans. I told her I didn’t understand the difference, and like all mothers everywhere, she told me . . . “someday you will.”
Finally, I do understand. Trying to kill legislation introduces unnecessary negativism into government. Aborting legislation is not as positive as birthing legislation. It poisons the Washington atmosphere.
Thanks, Mom!