The Flinchum File

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On The Republican Debate

Actually, it was more of a spinning contest than a debate.  It was a spinning contest between the purists and the realists.  The purists believe that every rich person actually produces jobs for poor people, while the realists believe people are complicated, basing their decisions on many factors, including taxes.

It would be no different in a Democratic debate.  There, it would be a spinning contest between the extremists and the moderates.  The extremists believe the government can never do too much for that noble creature called mankind.  The moderates believe people are complicated and no one government solution will ever work.

I would like to see a real debate between the Republican realists and the Democratic moderates.  They could fashion compromises to make America the economic engine of the world once again. 

I would not like to see the Republican purists and the Democratic extremists in the same room for any reason, as they would be talking PAST each other, instead of TO each other.  They would be condescending and insulting to each other.  They would be wasting my time.  Please don’t let them waste your time!  You need to be studying the stock market instead . . .

Assume your candidate wins, how would that impact your investment strategy?  Now assume the candidate you fear the most wins, how would that impact your investment strategy?  Most investors over-react to both scenarios, but it is still worth thinking about.  You’ll probably wind up somewhere between the two.