Most of us realize that it is unhealthy to watch too much TV news. Years ago, I declared my Saturdays as a news-free day. It is important to recognize the toxicity of TV news, be it Red-tinted or Blue-tinted. Both are toxic. After the bitterly contentious news coverage on the elevation of America’s only available Republican lawyer to the U.S. Supreme Court, I decided an overdose of news is akin to an overdose of good wine. It hurts! So, I’ve taken a week-long tour of America . . . America’s TV landscape, that is.
Except for watching the business channel, CNBC, while I worked at my desk, I watched many other things. Did you know that Americans are still watching that vampire stuff? I understand that almost as well as I understand the Kardashians, which is not at all. There are a surprising number of shows with Homeland Security themes, with only very pretty people to save us from . . . I don’t know, unpretty people? We Americans still play game shows . . . who knew? They have TV shows devoted to the coverage of Hollywood people . . . who cares. I even watched “What Not To Wear.” Some channel plays James Bond movies 24/7. I watched one movie (Sicario) that made me appreciate my wholesome, white-bread life, safely insulated from the high-tech drug wars. There are many, many channels on sports, covering sports I didn’t even know existed. Thankfully, there was also much to see on the History Channel, the Science Channel, National Geographic, or the many other non-partisan and non-fiction channels. The kaleidoscope of American television may be crazy, but that’s better than the insanity of partisan news.
Now bathed and refreshed, I reluctantly return to the real world of spin . . . with renewed cynicism and a new appreciation for my MUTE button.