I am thankful . . . to be born in America.
I am thankful . . . to have good health.
I am thankful . . . to have plenty of food.
I am thankful . . . to have enough money.
I am thankful . . . to have a wonderful wife.
I am thankful . . . to be a privileged white male.
I am thankful . . . to deliver meals-on-wheels to others.
I am thankful . . . for our soldiers in lonely places.
I am thankful . . . for our medical workers fighting the virus.
I am thankful . . . for the researchers finding the vaccines.
I am thankful . . . for our truckers and grocery workers feeding us.
I am thankful . . . for our economy surviving the pandemic.
I am thankful . . . for our democracy surviving the election.
I am thankful . . . that 2020 is almost over . . . whew!