It is sad when you cannot show the respect you have for certain people.
When I was a skinny thirteen-year-old boy, I fancied myself as a Olympic-quality high jumper, but the reality of BMI eventually convinced me otherwise. Still, I enjoyed watching the competition on television and always looked forward to the next Olympiad. Even when the slime started dripping from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), I remained a loyal viewer.
So far this year, I have watched exactly zero minutes of the Beijing Olympics and don’t plan to watch any more than that. The ungodly combination of the impossibly corrupt IOC and the insanely oppressive Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is an affront to the Olympic spirit.
I don’t mean to disrespect the athletes, whom I respect greatly, but I cannot watch our wonderful athletes being used as a cheap entertainment products for the benefit of thugs at the IOC and the CCP. Instead, I will make a financial contribution to one of the many fine American organizations that financially support our athletes.
If you must watch the Beijing Olympics . . . don’t watch much of it, please!