The Flinchum File

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What Matters?

My late mother voted a straight Republican ticket, beginning with General Eisenhower in 1952.  Over the years, she frequently told me that “a good man is better than a rich man.”  I thought of that on July 18th, 2015, when I watched Donald Trump trash our beloved war-hero, the late Senator John McCain – gratuitously – for no reason – just for fun.  That told me everything I needed to know about the character of Mr. Trump.

Of course, nobody is all bad, not even President Trump.  One difference between the candidates is their perspective on the supervision of financial services.  It is the old “principles versus rules” debate.  Trump’s perspective is that the regulators should set only principles or broad standards but then . . . “God-help anybody who mistreats a client.”  Biden’s perspective is to create enough small rules to drown both the regulator AND the client in a sea of paper.

So, my life will be better and less paper-intensive, if the current President is reelected.  Nonetheless, I voted for the former Vice President, even though my life will become more difficult.  I hope all single-issue voters will remember that, above all else . . . character counts . . . above all else!

My Republican mother would agree!