After the latest mass killing, the predictable Democratic response has been to put some control over gun availability. That, of course, is correct. The predictable Republican response has been that the hallowed Second Amendment guarantees the right of every American to own as many bazookas as they want, and that we should instead focus the discussion on improving mental health care. That, of course, is also correct. Now, mass killings have taken on a stronger third and even-more-complicated dimension – terrorism, either foreign and domestic.
Mass killings have become a Gordian knot, i.e., something so complicated that it cannot be solved by reason and patience. In mythology, nobody could figure out how to untie the famous knot, until Alexander the Great pulled out his sword and severed it. Problem solved.
Where is Alexander when we need him? While he had no use for the niceties of democracy, maybe he could walk, chew gum, and whistle at the same time.