Seeking to flee the breathless 24/7 coverage of the Trump-Comey conflict, I actually watched RT, which stands for Russia Today. It is a propaganda machine of the Kremlin. I expected it would mirror US coverage — saying there was NO Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. To my surprise, the subject was not even covered. Instead, it was full of “US-led airstrikes in Syria target scores of women and children.” Ignoring such patently-absurd headlines, their coverage is full of military strategy, i.e., what kind of forces are deployed where and how their supply lines function. From a military standpoint, it was actually quite interesting.
But, the point is — take a break, preferably a “cold-turkey” break and avoid all news for one day every week. Play golf! Go to the beach! Listen to your kids! Amuse your spouse! It might even be fun . . .
Neither Trump nor Comey care what you do — only you care! Now, pick up that remote . . . yes, you CAN do it . . .