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Binge-Watching Pain

Two things happen during a quarantine.  First, you will gain fifteen pounds, which is called the “quarantine fifteen.”  Second, some millennial will convince you the only way to appreciate television is by binge-watching some show.  It changes the television experience, they say.  That means you will spend hours studying overly-complicated plots or fictional characters you don’t care about.  Actually, you begin to understand more than you ever wanted to know, and that can be a pleasant surprise.  Binge-watching was certainly a different experience, but I doubt I’ll do that again.

Knowing very little about the current TV shows, I asked the millennial which show I should binge-watch, and she suggested an ABC show called “Stumptown,” which is about a 34-year-old woman who was a Warrant Officer in Afghanistan twelve years earlier.  She remains tormented by the things she saw and wracked with guilt for losing a buddy.  As combat veterans are prone to do, she dissolves her anguish in large quantities of booze.  (No, I don’t believe that God created war simply to justify booze!)

Guess I’m not a very good millennial?

Besides, most boomers prefer working!